
Add A Time Input to Contact Form 7 Without A Plugin

The Contact Form 7 plugin does not inherently support the time attribute for an input field. As of version 5.2, you can use the native HTML5 date input field (and all of the UX that browsers provide that come along with it) but you...

Embed A Tumblr Feed In WordPress

Below is an example showing how to embed multiple Tumblr posts as a feed into a WordPress site.  You will need a little coding experience with PHP and access to your WordPress theme files.  It is also required to have a Tumblr API key. 1....

Get the Real URL of a Tiny URL in PHP

A while back I set up a website, songdump.com, that allows me to post Youtube videos of songs I really like. But, I’m lazy, and I wanted to use the least amount of effort to accomplish this. I ended up setting up a If...